If you are coming from outside Fort Lauderdale, Florida, New Image Cosmetic Surgery Center can arrange for a number of private concierge services such as limousine service to and from Fort Lauderdale International Airport and quality recovery accommodations through our association with the beautiful Marriott Renaissance Hotel & Resort at Fort Lauderdale-Plantation. Let us help you make your stay in Fort Lauderdale a pleasant and memorable experience.
We ask our patients to arrive at least one to two days prior to their surgery. At this time, you will be examined and prepared for your cosmetic surgery. This will be your time to ask any additional questions and review your preoperative instructions. The length that we will ask you to stay will depend on which procedure(s) you are having done. After you are discharged on the day of surgery we also offer the optional service of a health care aid / registered nurse to accompany you on your first night. When you are ready to return home, we will want to know how you are doing. We would encourage you to keep in touch with our office and periodically update us with your progress. As with all of our patients, we ask that you call and/or email us with questions or needs as they arise. Additionally, we ask that you send us periodic photos (via mail or email), so that your progress can be visually seen. We invest a lot of time and energy into our out of town patients because we know they often travel great distances to see us. These patients generally leave a lasting impression on our office because we spend so much time communicating with them prior to their arrival.
For assistance in managing your Florida cosmetic surgery travel arrangements and accommodations, call our patient coordinator toll free at (866) 86-Image (866) 864-6243 or contact us.
Renaissance Hotels Resort is centrally located to the Fort Lauderdale International Airport, to our facility, night-life entertainment, museums, Las Olas Boulevard, Las Olas Riverwalk, Everglades Holiday Park, The Broward Center for Performing Arts, beaches, malls including to Sawgrass Mills Outlet Mall and many other South Florida amenities.
Here are some helpful suggestions to maximize your comfort and minimize your time away from home. It is important that you complete a Patient Information Form prior to your office appointment. You will be asked to complete this paperwork and do the required lab work.
Those results need to be in our office no less than one week prior to your surgery date. This time frame will allow our nursing and anesthesia team to review your results and ensure that you are medically ready for surgery. Some surgeries, such as a facelift, require you to stop smoking at least 2-3 weeks prior to the surgery. We will review your use of medications and evaluate usage before surgery. PLEASE NO ASPIRIN OR ASPIRIN PRODUCTS at least two weeks prior to surgery. Patients 35 and older are required to have a mammogram prior to breast surgery. Since it is difficult for patients to describe what will be seen at the consultation, we request a set of patient photos so your needs can be evaluated and discussed with you in advance.